Mar 26, 2009

Earth Hour

VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.

Here is what i have to say about Earth Hour, don't you think that Earth Hour is merely a publicity gimmick. What you need to balance up the energy u waste in 365days with an hour of switching off all the lights? You can't get the balance tally right? Promoting the Earth Hour globally is a waste of money and energy, just to send out the message that we need to switch off all the light for one hour on 28th of March 2009 between 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

It would be better right to call for a better event to cultivate energy saving throughout the years and not only for an hour annually. Spending millions on advertisement to promote this event is a waste money, it's better to use it in other energy saving stuff, like implementing solar cell in each housing estate or change for a greener energy source.

Switching off light alone wouldn't save a lot of energy because light doesn't consume much energy. Water heater, refrigerator, electric kettle and maybe rice cooker are the few that consume high energy. Hence if you would like to Vote for Earth start today, live a greener life style. Don't use water heater everyday , use public transport , car pool instead of driving alone and many more.

I would be a biggest lier on earth if i were to tell you that i never use water heater at all, but i can proudly said that i only use water heater for bath during raining season or early in the morning. I din switch on my table light when i'm not using, i would put my computer afking for whole when i'm not using it.

So start now, save the world. Dun talk now Act now

1 comment:

j0bie said...

Is not about energy saving actually. Is more on balancing the carbon content on earth.