Jun 26, 2009

10 Thing I want

I don't usually play this tagging games... but i just got tagged by Genova, so i've just play to his tune. 10 things that i want now, might be different from 10 things i want 10years later. But after all material stuff do change from time to time, right?

These are 10 Thing I want or wish to have right now.

1. Good Health for me and my family of course! as well as the Earth. LoL
2. Job Job Job!!!
3. Financial stable for the rest of my life (doesn't need to be like Bill Gates la)
4. Friends that won't stab my back! LOL
5. Suziki Swift... transport is a necessity not a luxury
6. Childhood dream... to be a world class footballer!! LOL ( able to play football with a bunch of friend can d le)
7. Watch football live at Old Trafford
8. Watch SHE live Concert
9. I wish for Problem free
10. I wish for worries free

People that i tag: Yikoko, Reena, Jac, Angela, Boss Hooi


yikoko said...

tag me pulak..
cb u!!

~Angel~ said...

watching live at Old Trafford is one of those things i prioritize as something i must do in my life... MUST ! hahaha

毓涵 said...

financial stability will come. lol. no worries. hope you get a job soon.