For the past two weeks, my internet suffered a very low speed connection, i was so fucked up that i call Streamyx Hotline almost very day...then they started to send a stupid technician that bring up his port junkies to check my telephone line... and as he try to on his stuff to check, it run out of battery and the only word he can said is " alamak 1week no come work , battery kong ki? "
I stunned for awhile ( because i was hoping that he can fix it and i can go back to my normal routine ) then i was like "Mahai ehhh" then he say he will send someone to fix it
next week (super efficient lo ).
When i had this low speed connection, i can't download and play on9 game. So i get the time to read the whole newspaper and i would like to make a comparision between my life without internet and the life of palestinian's kid ( without freedom , education , food , water , electricity and communication including internet,radio and TV ).
So the life of palestinian during war is like staying at home worrying the whole day and hope that" i'm not the lucky guy to be sent to heaven". Just imagine that u live without any massa media , no electricity , water and you dun have the freedom to go out from ur house? How would you feel. I would die not because of Israelis bombing my house but bored till death.
But if i were the palestinian's Hamas Leader , i would not risk my people to infuriate the Israel by lunching rocket each day into Israel territory and it end up having Israelis SAPU the whole Strip Of Gaza? Hor Pit le?
Let me made another anology, have you all play mmorpg on9 game like War Of Warcraft , Silkroadonline or Cabal. If not you can go youtubing the video. There are alot of clans in this kinda game and suppose that each clan represent a Country. Of course in every kinda game or tournament there are some clans that are very powerfull.
For Silkroadonline the game that i play, there are alot of Big Clan such as Avalon , SuddenDeath ,Odsessy ,RP_Legend and these such big clan form a strong union
JUST LIKE AMERICA AND BRITISH SUPPORTING ISRAEL. These big clan and union like to conquer the whole server and be like the TaiKor of the server
JUST LIKE AMERICA BEING TAIKOR OF THE WORLD. This Big Union or Clan like to harass the small clan like my clan and it end up they capturing my fortress. Then you know what can we do? , we can just swear them , talk bad about them ( JUST LIKE UN and The World condemning the Act of Israel ) but we can't fight them because it's just like fight a LOST war
So i still can't understand why HAMAS STILL wanna go kacau them? If Israel really intend to SAPU your Country, it can change the whole Palestine to LANDFILL in
ONE DAY.Btw do you think Tun. M is stupid by asking others to boycott America and Israel Product? Boycott KFC or McD? Then u r boycotting ur Own People. Mostly KFC/McD are Local Franchise so u r asking us to boycott us?
It's Just My 2Cents. Lets see what u all have for me?