During the dinner, you what were they serving? Piglet yeah it's Babi panggang!!! damn my favourite.
I ate half the portion of it!! damn so delicious but it's quite oily so my aunt and cousin sister all gave it to me. The reason behind these generously giving is because I'm too skinny. Give it to Ah Sing la, he should eat more. LoLx
So he is in dilemma whether to call upon his old MALAY friend. Because during a cheng beng, he talk about this and my father and my aunt brain washed him by saying that Malay won't touch our chinese food. The reason behind this is because our food is not Clean ( TAK HALAL ). The Malay guys will go to chinese kopitiam but only order CAN drinks. So he end up not calling them. LoLx
So now, my blog has become a NON-HALAL blog because i've uploaded the BABI KEPALA.
In Dota game, the malay gamer call us CINA BABI when they ownz us... although we chinese like to eat pork, but that doesn't mean that we are as stupid as a PIG. I think otherwise. LoLx
ISA dun come catch me, just because of me touching on piggy issue
haha...not cina babi but huanatu
love the way u say ur blog is a non-halal blog... hahaha... that's the best thing i've read in a long time... lol...
jz pass by:P wow,all da roast pork seems delicious
hahaha,that's a cute way to say it, I like 烧乳猪too, but what are those white-white lumps? this dish so expensive. Gong Hei to your "granduncle"! where did u eat this dish? aiya, many Malays also eat Chinese food, but they cannot do it publicly lar
non halal blog. i likey. haha.
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