.......long time no blog liao dunno what to start off with.. okay let me tell you guys about my feeling at this very right moment... when i was an undergrad, i felt that i have much more freedom compared to now... i can decide what time to sleep, decide what time to have breakfast, lunch and tea break and decide to ppk friend at will and most importantly i can decide to skip class and go QB for a movie. hahaha
1 question here, why we need to work hard and play harder? cant we don't work and don't play at all? anyone have motivation to wakeup early in the morning to go to work? just imagine that i just work for 4months ++ and i start to develop this feeling... when i see an old uncle in my factory working for fucking 35 years, i really salute him!! ( i really salute my father also, work till retired d ) the advise he gave me is? It's your self-commitment that will drive you to work for 35years.. yalor now no yet got commitment ma.. maybe next have wife and kids liao an chua hor ahhh... need to pay for car, condo, credit card and if no work harder how ahh? career go down the drain and wallet don't have enough cash.
what are we living for la dei!!!
share this song with you guys
what if you're a boss? what will you do?
Dec 8, 2009
Aug 31, 2009
drink drink drink merdeka merdeka merdeka
Went to Lounge 32 pub yesterday with william, keon, yoon and OJJ. This pub located quite isolated from the other and we were clueless why yoon bring us there. As i can see the pub is quite new and not much ppl inside. We all wanted to go to DreamZ but were too afraid of traffic jam and looking for a parking....suckz!!
After yoon reach there, we only know that the pub belongs to his school senior and most of them inside were their schoolmate (senior and junior). As the pub is still new and need lotsa promotion to let ppl know about this existing pub, so the beer over there are very cheap. We ordered 4buckets and cost us Rm132 nia. that very very cheap.
OJJ came late, so as a punishment, we signed him up for beer drinking competition. He needa drink a JUG of Beer and whoever drink the fastest win the competition. The reward is another 3buckets for the winner. Luckily OJJ didn't managed to win it, or else we'll have to deal with another 3buckets that will surely put us all down on the floor. After that around 2am we went to Pelita for supper
For those who wanna have cheap bear( i dunno when the promotion end ), head down to Lounge 32 ( just behind McD Sunway )
After yoon reach there, we only know that the pub belongs to his school senior and most of them inside were their schoolmate (senior and junior). As the pub is still new and need lotsa promotion to let ppl know about this existing pub, so the beer over there are very cheap. We ordered 4buckets and cost us Rm132 nia. that very very cheap.
OJJ came late, so as a punishment, we signed him up for beer drinking competition. He needa drink a JUG of Beer and whoever drink the fastest win the competition. The reward is another 3buckets for the winner. Luckily OJJ didn't managed to win it, or else we'll have to deal with another 3buckets that will surely put us all down on the floor. After that around 2am we went to Pelita for supper
For those who wanna have cheap bear( i dunno when the promotion end ), head down to Lounge 32 ( just behind McD Sunway )
Aug 9, 2009
Twitter really kills my blog
Recently i've no where to be seen in the Internet industry especially blog and msn. Sorry for not updating my blog.... but i have reason@excuse for that...
The reason is, my telekome cable around my area has been stolen... as this fucking bastard so chit thor till need to steal the telephone cable..... fuck this bastard.. 2nd person i wanna fuck is the telekom staff who took a week++ to restore my internet connection... so FUCK telekom@streamyx
So guys... better change to P1 at least this kinda situation won't happen to you... as those who follow me in twitter, know that my internet connection was down due to this telekom cable.
And Twitter was behind this " NO UPDATE " on this blog. Twitter was soooo cool.... when i don't have internet connection, i used my brother's phone to update my twitter. Can you see that? I put a twitter corner on topright of my blog. Twitter can be very addictive especially you have this Wifi or 3G phone.
Cause Twitter enable you to update whenever and wherever you are? If i has a 3G phone, i think my blog will be death and i'll update it even i'm at toilet pangsai-ing. Just take a look at Genova's blog, sudah mau mati. LOOOOOL
The reason is, my telekome cable around my area has been stolen... as this fucking bastard so chit thor till need to steal the telephone cable..... fuck this bastard.. 2nd person i wanna fuck is the telekom staff who took a week++ to restore my internet connection... so FUCK telekom@streamyx
So guys... better change to P1 at least this kinda situation won't happen to you... as those who follow me in twitter, know that my internet connection was down due to this telekom cable.
And Twitter was behind this " NO UPDATE " on this blog. Twitter was soooo cool.... when i don't have internet connection, i used my brother's phone to update my twitter. Can you see that? I put a twitter corner on topright of my blog. Twitter can be very addictive especially you have this Wifi or 3G phone.
Cause Twitter enable you to update whenever and wherever you are? If i has a 3G phone, i think my blog will be death and i'll update it even i'm at toilet pangsai-ing. Just take a look at Genova's blog, sudah mau mati. LOOOOOL
Jun 26, 2009
10 Thing I want
I don't usually play this tagging games... but i just got tagged by Genova, so i've just play to his tune. 10 things that i want now, might be different from 10 things i want 10years later. But after all material stuff do change from time to time, right?
These are 10 Thing I want or wish to have right now.
1. Good Health for me and my family of course! as well as the Earth. LoL
2. Job Job Job!!!
3. Financial stable for the rest of my life (doesn't need to be like Bill Gates la)
4. Friends that won't stab my back! LOL
5. Suziki Swift... transport is a necessity not a luxury
6. Childhood dream... to be a world class footballer!! LOL ( able to play football with a bunch of friend can d le)
7. Watch football live at Old Trafford
8. Watch SHE live Concert
9. I wish for Problem free
10. I wish for worries free
People that i tag: Yikoko, Reena, Jac, Angela, Boss Hooi
These are 10 Thing I want or wish to have right now.
1. Good Health for me and my family of course! as well as the Earth. LoL
2. Job Job Job!!!
3. Financial stable for the rest of my life (doesn't need to be like Bill Gates la)
4. Friends that won't stab my back! LOL
5. Suziki Swift... transport is a necessity not a luxury
6. Childhood dream... to be a world class footballer!! LOL ( able to play football with a bunch of friend can d le)
7. Watch football live at Old Trafford
8. Watch SHE live Concert
9. I wish for Problem free
10. I wish for worries free
People that i tag: Yikoko, Reena, Jac, Angela, Boss Hooi
Jun 20, 2009
Feel like buying an experience as a gift?
what is the most valuable present or gift in this world? would it be a Diamond ring? cause a Diamond ring represent eternity love or would it be a Porsche? NO NO NO!! these are not the most valuable stuff on earth because it has price tag on each of every item on it and it can be replaced easily.
The most valuable @ priceless gift is The Experience. Yes the Experience, it cannot be replaced cause it gonna stuck in your head till you die unless you are suffering from Alzheimer disease. So do you guys out there know that this kinda shop selling experience as gift exist? Don't know?
Below are the conversation between Hito and Hui Min (who was having internship in KL)
Hito : Hey!! you working in KL right?
Hui Min : Yeah!! wassup?
Hito : I wanna ask. do you know what is Redribbondays?
Hui Min : Yes but not quite sure what is it la
Hito : yes? then could you explain what is it?
Hui Min : I already said not sure liao lo
Hito : not sure mean 50-50 la... any wild guess?
Hui Min : you wait!!
( 2 minutes later )
Hui Min : check this out!! http://www.redribbondays.com.my/cms/overview
Hui Min : hehehe!! you have all the details here...
Hito : walao ehh Hui Min getting smarter d ever since start her internship in KL
Hito : know how to Google d lo
~~~ The End ~~~
So guys if you ever think of buying present for your father, mother or girlfriend/boyfriend? Buy Experience. It last forever
The RedRibbon Days offer alotsa experiences to pick from it's website. There are all sorts of thing from a Rockstar For a Day to even a skydiving adventure.
Talking about being a Rockstar for a day? actually The Wanderer Club can help you out. I've had a good experience helping them...and what i get from it? i don't wanna said that we learn to be able to work together la, improve social skills la, improve my mandarin la... bla bla bla... that not so important, you can learn it when u start to work. The important stuff is i get to touch a 28 channel Mixer!! what just a Mixer? fuck dude that not even close to my important stuff.
Shuddup... you've been living in this world for the past 23years... have you ever seen a mixer before? and it's somemore 28channel mixer ( not much tho ) even our Gabriel The Godly Drummer is prohibited to touch the Mixer!! LoL... So it's experience that count... not the material stuff!!!
Thanks Wanderer for the 2years sweet experience though i know it's abit late
The most valuable @ priceless gift is The Experience. Yes the Experience, it cannot be replaced cause it gonna stuck in your head till you die unless you are suffering from Alzheimer disease. So do you guys out there know that this kinda shop selling experience as gift exist? Don't know?
Below are the conversation between Hito and Hui Min (who was having internship in KL)
Hito : Hey!! you working in KL right?
Hui Min : Yeah!! wassup?
Hito : I wanna ask. do you know what is Redribbondays?
Hui Min : Yes but not quite sure what is it la
Hito : yes? then could you explain what is it?
Hui Min : I already said not sure liao lo
Hito : not sure mean 50-50 la... any wild guess?
Hui Min : you wait!!
( 2 minutes later )
Hui Min : check this out!! http://www.redribbondays.com.my/cms/overview
Hui Min : hehehe!! you have all the details here...
Hito : walao ehh Hui Min getting smarter d ever since start her internship in KL
Hito : know how to Google d lo
~~~ The End ~~~
So guys if you ever think of buying present for your father, mother or girlfriend/boyfriend? Buy Experience. It last forever
The RedRibbon Days offer alotsa experiences to pick from it's website. There are all sorts of thing from a Rockstar For a Day to even a skydiving adventure.
Happy Father's Day
Talking about being a Rockstar for a day? actually The Wanderer Club can help you out. I've had a good experience helping them...and what i get from it? i don't wanna said that we learn to be able to work together la, improve social skills la, improve my mandarin la... bla bla bla... that not so important, you can learn it when u start to work. The important stuff is i get to touch a 28 channel Mixer!! what just a Mixer? fuck dude that not even close to my important stuff.
Shuddup... you've been living in this world for the past 23years... have you ever seen a mixer before? and it's somemore 28channel mixer ( not much tho ) even our Gabriel The Godly Drummer is prohibited to touch the Mixer!! LoL... So it's experience that count... not the material stuff!!!
Thanks Wanderer for the 2years sweet experience though i know it's abit late
Jun 16, 2009
Beauty and the Geek
Most people live thier lives with blinders on - focusing on and inter-relating with people of their own kind, while shunning a whole other segment of society whose pursuits, norms, habits and mannerisms they are not familiar with
Take beauties and geeks for instance. The geek is more intellectual. His pursuits are more academic and he couldn't care less about how he looks. Ambitious in his own way, the geek pursues his passions single mindedly. He could be a oceanographer, a Dotard Gamer, a software analyst or simply a Star War fan. He could, and often is, a genius of sorts in his own chosen field.
The problem he faces? Socially, he may almost be a zero, particularly in the grooming department. As for his deportment - the way he carries himself - the geek's awkwardness is a given trait. Because of this, having and sustaining a relationship with a person of the opposite sex is a major issue for him
Looks are an asset.
As for the beauty (mostly female), she lives her life, centred in how she must and ought to look everyday. Her physical attributes carry her through situation where her intellectual ones fail her. Her looks are her major asset in life - so she cares for them, attends to them and depends on them. Socially, she is fashion-savvy, body-conscious and fully aware of her physical attributes. In the intellectual and academic department, she doesn't care two hoots if she can't spell the word dinosaur or doesn't know which part of a computer does what. (Agreed!! girls normally don't give a shit which component does what function. Proof? How many girls know how to format their own computer?)
Put a beauty and a geek together in real life and what do you get? Definitely not instant chemistry! In fact, being such polar opposites - they just don't click. But what if they were thrown together and forced to acknowledge, live and work with one another, would something come out of it? Would the act of putting them in the same team do the trick? Despite their differences, would they learn something from each other?
The truth is this, until and unless you are forced to work and live with someone who is diametrically opposite to you, you will never know how much lies under the surface of that person and the image that he or she projects to the whole world. A geek, for instance, has more things going for him than just his intellectual abilities and a beauty can be more than just a good-looker. She could truly be a heart-warming, sensitive and generous person, with some intelligent abilities to match. (I like this part) ~~taken from article from the Sunday Star 14/06/2009~~ I've some friends that are of geeks and beauties, so i felt like sharing this to you guys.
In any way there always exist two side of the same story, listen to both side of the story before you made a judgement!! or else the innocent person will die very cham geh
Take beauties and geeks for instance. The geek is more intellectual. His pursuits are more academic and he couldn't care less about how he looks. Ambitious in his own way, the geek pursues his passions single mindedly. He could be a oceanographer, a Dotard Gamer, a software analyst or simply a Star War fan. He could, and often is, a genius of sorts in his own chosen field.
The problem he faces? Socially, he may almost be a zero, particularly in the grooming department. As for his deportment - the way he carries himself - the geek's awkwardness is a given trait. Because of this, having and sustaining a relationship with a person of the opposite sex is a major issue for him
Looks are an asset.
As for the beauty (mostly female), she lives her life, centred in how she must and ought to look everyday. Her physical attributes carry her through situation where her intellectual ones fail her. Her looks are her major asset in life - so she cares for them, attends to them and depends on them. Socially, she is fashion-savvy, body-conscious and fully aware of her physical attributes. In the intellectual and academic department, she doesn't care two hoots if she can't spell the word dinosaur or doesn't know which part of a computer does what. (Agreed!! girls normally don't give a shit which component does what function. Proof? How many girls know how to format their own computer?)
Put a beauty and a geek together in real life and what do you get? Definitely not instant chemistry! In fact, being such polar opposites - they just don't click. But what if they were thrown together and forced to acknowledge, live and work with one another, would something come out of it? Would the act of putting them in the same team do the trick? Despite their differences, would they learn something from each other?
The truth is this, until and unless you are forced to work and live with someone who is diametrically opposite to you, you will never know how much lies under the surface of that person and the image that he or she projects to the whole world. A geek, for instance, has more things going for him than just his intellectual abilities and a beauty can be more than just a good-looker. She could truly be a heart-warming, sensitive and generous person, with some intelligent abilities to match. (I like this part) ~~taken from article from the Sunday Star 14/06/2009~~ I've some friends that are of geeks and beauties, so i felt like sharing this to you guys.
In any way there always exist two side of the same story, listen to both side of the story before you made a judgement!! or else the innocent person will die very cham geh
Jun 9, 2009
GreenDay (5th June 2009)
I've watched this movie during my trip to KL and i found it meaningful. It's movie about humanity survivor and extinction.
Start now or it's too late!! think wisely
Where is the FUTURE when there is no EARTH?
Here are some comments on this video.
Vertexpoint :
whether this video is right or wrong, arent any of you worried if it IS right, its a mighty big risk to say "ehhhh those eco guys suck" and think we are going ok.
If you are fine with this, then hey, see you in hell, cos thats what this planet will be soon enough.
Pay respect to a planet that is NOT yours, was NEVER yours and NEVER WILL BE.
Ignorance is the last step to self destruction.
move along, nothing to see here
ecopropagandabullshit.....!!!! !!
The man is like a virus that reproduces itself endlessly until the depletion of natural resources ...........
DrMimik :
Can anyone explain why the world is warming up? Can anyone explain why mars is warming up? Can anyone explain why every single planet is warming up and the sun is cooling down?
Bapp128 :
that's the kind of attitude i like! most people complain about how "evil mankind" is. but will they change their own behavior? or will they wait for their governments to do something.
stefflonsche :
after i saw "we feed the world" i started buying "Bio" (organic food), and started looking at the where the food comes from that i buy. i don't have much money as a uni student, but i want to do the best i can.
i am also careful in using water and electricity and i seperate my waste (for it to be recycled).
marketing210 :
I'm curious how many of you will really change themself!
I'm afraid you will stay the way you are. Like everybody does, did and will!
The issues isn't new and people won't change either.
That's the real problem!
This is the Link for FULL VERSION of the movie HOME:
Start now or it's too late!! think wisely
Where is the FUTURE when there is no EARTH?
Here are some comments on this video.
Vertexpoint :
whether this video is right or wrong, arent any of you worried if it IS right, its a mighty big risk to say "ehhhh those eco guys suck" and think we are going ok.
If you are fine with this, then hey, see you in hell, cos thats what this planet will be soon enough.
Pay respect to a planet that is NOT yours, was NEVER yours and NEVER WILL BE.
Ignorance is the last step to self destruction.
move along, nothing to see here
ecopropagandabullshit.....!!!! !!
The man is like a virus that reproduces itself endlessly until the depletion of natural resources ...........
DrMimik :
Can anyone explain why the world is warming up? Can anyone explain why mars is warming up? Can anyone explain why every single planet is warming up and the sun is cooling down?
Bapp128 :
that's the kind of attitude i like! most people complain about how "evil mankind" is. but will they change their own behavior? or will they wait for their governments to do something.
stefflonsche :
after i saw "we feed the world" i started buying "Bio" (organic food), and started looking at the where the food comes from that i buy. i don't have much money as a uni student, but i want to do the best i can.
i am also careful in using water and electricity and i seperate my waste (for it to be recycled).
marketing210 :
I'm curious how many of you will really change themself!
I'm afraid you will stay the way you are. Like everybody does, did and will!
The issues isn't new and people won't change either.
That's the real problem!
This is the Link for FULL VERSION of the movie HOME:
May 24, 2009
Ai Li's wedding
It took me 2 weeks to gather all the photos and 3-4days to sort out which photo to actually posted up here. For this entry i would like to share the photos taken during Ai Li's wedding dinner with you guys.
Nothing much to elaborate here. Just post up some picture here and there.
Ai Li and Kelvin Lee
Nothing much to elaborate here. Just post up some picture here and there.
Their wedding dinner was held at Berjaya Hotel on 3rd of May.
Happy Family, but where is Yew Chong?

Happy Lovely Couple
Cousin Brother
chi mui (sisters)
Pn Tan happened to be there not because of her surname is TAN but she's a teacher in my uncle's school "Bagan Jaya"
girls outclassed boys (indeed we are a dying species)
Ending up the wedding dinner with a few glasses of red wine.
Nice economic wine, very fruity
Nice economic wine, very fruity
May 21, 2009
Jeanette Aw
I get to know Jeanette Aw from the record breaking series Little Nyonya. From that moment i started to search for info about this actress and when i googled her name, i found her very own blog. Hahaha so happy because she's one a considerate and understanding blogger because she knew that her reader came from all walk of life. Hence she blogged in 2 language, english and mandarin. Although it's not an entry with 2 version but it's good enough for me at least not all enteries are in mandarin right?
Here is her blog address >>>> press here>>>>> Jeanette Aw
Recently start downloading all her series (so damn free, really need to be seriously looking for job d).
Here is her blog address >>>> press here>>>>> Jeanette Aw
Recently start downloading all her series (so damn free, really need to be seriously looking for job d).
May 19, 2009
Little Nyonya
This " Little Nyonya" series was the blockbuster drama celebrating MediaCorp TV Channel 8's 45th anniversary. As you guys know, i only love to watch TvB drama and wouldn't give an eye on any other series but this series really interesting. This series talk about culture and history which is really nice.
I get to know this series from a bunch of friends when we went to a pub opposite The Nyonya heritage house (which they used the heritage house for shooting the drama). You guys know where is it? i forgot the name of the street d. WeiHan said the series is a big hit in Malaysia. So when i went back home, i start my downloading mania. Download all the episode and watch em all.
Actually my grandmother is a Nyonya and my relatives often cook nyonya cuisine. Nyonya food like, Hong Bak (babi ponteh), Sambal Udang, Otak-Otak, Bangkuang Char, Lobak, Kong Asam Sup, Acar Acar, Purut Ikan, Bubu Caca( pengat), rempah Udang (famous in this series), cendol and many more. Now only i know that my auntie know how to cook so many nyonya cuisine. I think someday i need to find some time and learn all of it from her.
Here are some synopsis from the series:
The story begins from the 1930s, spanning over 70 years till modern day.
Ju Xiang is born into a big Peranakan family where her mum is a mistress. During the World War, Ju Xiang is tortured and both she and her husband die, leaving behind their 8-year-old daughter Yue Niang. After the war, Yue Niang's maternal relatives who ran away to England to seek refuge during wartime return home. Yue Niang then leads the life of her mother – always discriminated, beaten up and tortured. Yue Niang is then sold to a butcher, Liu Yi Dao. However, Yue Niang's strong personality impresses Liu Yi Dao and they become sworn siblings instead. Yue Niang decides to choose her own path in life. She begins learning how to run a business and she manages to overcome the odds and save her declining family business. Sadly, her love life has yet to begin a new chapter with no news about her lover, Chen Xi.
If you love it, go and download it or maybe u can ask from me to burn a copy for you.
Btw the main cast for this series is Jeanette Aw as Huang Ju Xiang / Yue Niang

Another beautiful actress added into my long list. LoL
Btw i would give a rating of 4.6 out of 5 for this series.
I get to know this series from a bunch of friends when we went to a pub opposite The Nyonya heritage house (which they used the heritage house for shooting the drama). You guys know where is it? i forgot the name of the street d. WeiHan said the series is a big hit in Malaysia. So when i went back home, i start my downloading mania. Download all the episode and watch em all.
Actually my grandmother is a Nyonya and my relatives often cook nyonya cuisine. Nyonya food like, Hong Bak (babi ponteh), Sambal Udang, Otak-Otak, Bangkuang Char, Lobak, Kong Asam Sup, Acar Acar, Purut Ikan, Bubu Caca( pengat), rempah Udang (famous in this series), cendol and many more. Now only i know that my auntie know how to cook so many nyonya cuisine. I think someday i need to find some time and learn all of it from her.

The story begins from the 1930s, spanning over 70 years till modern day.
Ju Xiang is born into a big Peranakan family where her mum is a mistress. During the World War, Ju Xiang is tortured and both she and her husband die, leaving behind their 8-year-old daughter Yue Niang. After the war, Yue Niang's maternal relatives who ran away to England to seek refuge during wartime return home. Yue Niang then leads the life of her mother – always discriminated, beaten up and tortured. Yue Niang is then sold to a butcher, Liu Yi Dao. However, Yue Niang's strong personality impresses Liu Yi Dao and they become sworn siblings instead. Yue Niang decides to choose her own path in life. She begins learning how to run a business and she manages to overcome the odds and save her declining family business. Sadly, her love life has yet to begin a new chapter with no news about her lover, Chen Xi.
If you love it, go and download it or maybe u can ask from me to burn a copy for you.
Btw the main cast for this series is Jeanette Aw as Huang Ju Xiang / Yue Niang

Another beautiful actress added into my long list. LoL
Btw i would give a rating of 4.6 out of 5 for this series.
May 10, 2009
Nuffnang send me money!!!
As i'm still jobless and Nuffnang Sdn Bhd see me so kelian no money go yamcha hence they send me some money to go yamcha and vacation. LoLx
I've put up Nuffnang advert on the Physics Blog since July 2008 and in matter of few months the figure keep going up. I'm posting this up to share the joys with you guys that blogging sometimes can earn some side income though its not much but it can motivate you to blog more.
So how i'm gonna spend my money? i'm gonna spend it with my fellow physicist. A bottle of wine will do right? Nuffnang send me 60bucks nia la, mana can belanja each of everyone a meal. As a proof, i've taken a picture of my check.

So guys keep blogging and remember to click on the advert. The moment you click on the advert the cash flow into my pocket. Happy Blogging and the next time i see you guys (only those who are on the physics blog list) i'm gonna bring a bottle of red wine ( my home got alot of red wine, cincai curi one my parent won't notice it wan )
Thank you Nuffnang
I've put up Nuffnang advert on the Physics Blog since July 2008 and in matter of few months the figure keep going up. I'm posting this up to share the joys with you guys that blogging sometimes can earn some side income though its not much but it can motivate you to blog more.
So how i'm gonna spend my money? i'm gonna spend it with my fellow physicist. A bottle of wine will do right? Nuffnang send me 60bucks nia la, mana can belanja each of everyone a meal. As a proof, i've taken a picture of my check.
So guys keep blogging and remember to click on the advert. The moment you click on the advert the cash flow into my pocket. Happy Blogging and the next time i see you guys (only those who are on the physics blog list) i'm gonna bring a bottle of red wine ( my home got alot of red wine, cincai curi one my parent won't notice it wan )
Thank you Nuffnang
May 2, 2009
Finally done with exam and suddenly felt like aimless but i do have tonne of stuff need to be accomplished before job come find me. LoL
Start with my cousin wedding dinner on 2nd and 3rd of May.
Yeah!!! it fall on my historical day, so i'm gonna have the busiest birthday party but but sadly i'm not the main character, LoLx. But anyway thanks to those who wishes me.
2nd of May which is today, there gonna be Wang Lee Hom's concert sadly again i couldn't attend.
then the rest of the week, gonna be yamcha + networking ( jobs related) gonna travel around Malaysia if trip to Bali Bali, Taiwan, Hongkong, Japan, Thailand and some said Europe. siao ehh
so i'm so eng right after the wedding event, and when i ajak u yamcha u dun ppk me ohh especially my bosses. LoLz.
dedicate this song to you guys, wu yue tian from SHE
Start with my cousin wedding dinner on 2nd and 3rd of May.
Yeah!!! it fall on my historical day, so i'm gonna have the busiest birthday party but but sadly i'm not the main character, LoLx. But anyway thanks to those who wishes me.
2nd of May which is today, there gonna be Wang Lee Hom's concert sadly again i couldn't attend.
then the rest of the week, gonna be yamcha + networking ( jobs related) gonna travel around Malaysia if trip to Bali Bali, Taiwan, Hongkong, Japan, Thailand and some said Europe. siao ehh
so i'm so eng right after the wedding event, and when i ajak u yamcha u dun ppk me ohh especially my bosses. LoLz.
dedicate this song to you guys, wu yue tian from SHE
Apr 5, 2009
Are you that clean?
Last week i went to my granduncle's 80th Birthday. WoW!!! 80years living in this planet.
During the dinner, you what were they serving? Piglet yeah it's Babi panggang!!! damn my favourite.
I ate half the portion of it!! damn so delicious but it's quite oily so my aunt and cousin sister all gave it to me. The reason behind these generously giving is because I'm too skinny. Give it to Ah Sing la, he should eat more. LoLx
Then recently my uncle planned to invited some relatives and close friend for a function dinner.
So he is in dilemma whether to call upon his old MALAY friend. Because during a cheng beng, he talk about this and my father and my aunt brain washed him by saying that Malay won't touch our chinese food. The reason behind this is because our food is not Clean ( TAK HALAL ). The Malay guys will go to chinese kopitiam but only order CAN drinks. So he end up not calling them. LoLx
So now, my blog has become a NON-HALAL blog because i've uploaded the BABI KEPALA.
In Dota game, the malay gamer call us CINA BABI when they ownz us... although we chinese like to eat pork, but that doesn't mean that we are as stupid as a PIG. I think otherwise. LoLx
ISA dun come catch me, just because of me touching on piggy issue
During the dinner, you what were they serving? Piglet yeah it's Babi panggang!!! damn my favourite.
I ate half the portion of it!! damn so delicious but it's quite oily so my aunt and cousin sister all gave it to me. The reason behind these generously giving is because I'm too skinny. Give it to Ah Sing la, he should eat more. LoLx
So he is in dilemma whether to call upon his old MALAY friend. Because during a cheng beng, he talk about this and my father and my aunt brain washed him by saying that Malay won't touch our chinese food. The reason behind this is because our food is not Clean ( TAK HALAL ). The Malay guys will go to chinese kopitiam but only order CAN drinks. So he end up not calling them. LoLx
So now, my blog has become a NON-HALAL blog because i've uploaded the BABI KEPALA.
In Dota game, the malay gamer call us CINA BABI when they ownz us... although we chinese like to eat pork, but that doesn't mean that we are as stupid as a PIG. I think otherwise. LoLx
ISA dun come catch me, just because of me touching on piggy issue
Mar 26, 2009
Earth Hour

VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.
Here is what i have to say about Earth Hour, don't you think that Earth Hour is merely a publicity gimmick. What you need to balance up the energy u waste in 365days with an hour of switching off all the lights? You can't get the balance tally right? Promoting the Earth Hour globally is a waste of money and energy, just to send out the message that we need to switch off all the light for one hour on 28th of March 2009 between 8.30pm to 9.30pm.
It would be better right to call for a better event to cultivate energy saving throughout the years and not only for an hour annually. Spending millions on advertisement to promote this event is a waste money, it's better to use it in other energy saving stuff, like implementing solar cell in each housing estate or change for a greener energy source.
Switching off light alone wouldn't save a lot of energy because light doesn't consume much energy. Water heater, refrigerator, electric kettle and maybe rice cooker are the few that consume high energy. Hence if you would like to Vote for Earth start today, live a greener life style. Don't use water heater everyday , use public transport , car pool instead of driving alone and many more.
I would be a biggest lier on earth if i were to tell you that i never use water heater at all, but i can proudly said that i only use water heater for bath during raining season or early in the morning. I din switch on my table light when i'm not using, i would put my computer afking for whole when i'm not using it.
So start now, save the world. Dun talk now Act now
Mar 9, 2009
Tough day a head
In midst of doing my Thesis, stop for a while to blog (easing my stress). I just began writing it today, since i still haven't get any sorta visible result. So i think if my research were to fail, i'll goreng-goreng my thesis d. Bo huat what to do? 16th of March have to hand in first set of draft 30th of March have to send in Thesis. Still got 3weeks and all lab work gonna stop a week before dateline. Because need to discuss about result and how to goreng the Discussion. All depend on discussion, if u goreng tak cukup masak then sorry la examiner also give u low gred. LoL
Yesterday I've play back Dota with Yikoko and the gang. Feel chi kek , play from 9pm till almost 5am. Wakao never been playing till so early liao. But anyhow feel so song playing Dota again, although feel noob-noob tei ki, farming bo chun, reflex action also slow ki and not so frequent see map d.
But playing dota with a bunch of friend is very fun especially with the pro, where u feel the game is so important that some minor mistake can cause our whole team to suicide. Importantly when you play any Computer Games, u totally forgotten about your worries BUT temporarily nia
Quote of the Day:
Work hard Play Harder
You Plan GOD Decide
Yesterday I've play back Dota with Yikoko and the gang. Feel chi kek , play from 9pm till almost 5am. Wakao never been playing till so early liao. But anyhow feel so song playing Dota again, although feel noob-noob tei ki, farming bo chun, reflex action also slow ki and not so frequent see map d.
But playing dota with a bunch of friend is very fun especially with the pro, where u feel the game is so important that some minor mistake can cause our whole team to suicide. Importantly when you play any Computer Games, u totally forgotten about your worries BUT temporarily nia
Quote of the Day:
Work hard Play Harder
You Plan GOD Decide
Mar 2, 2009
Hitz FM Fugitive
If you guys were to listen to Hitz Fm, you should know about the new game show currently they are playing. You dun have to call in nor sms, what you need to do is to ask " Are you the Hitz Fm Fugivite? " and you stand a chance to win one of the RM100 000 ( because they won't give out Rm100k for once )
So what u need to do is stay tune to Hitz Fm and if the Hitz Fm Fugitive were to appear near to ur location and there might be a chance for u to walk out with cash of at least Rm1000. Last two day the Hitz Fm fugitive appeared in Penang Gurney drive and Butterworth's Sunway Carnival mall.
Hence i tried my luck yesterday, so i follow my father to Batu Lanchang as an excuse of driving him to cardiaclogist specialist. But sadly the Hitz FM fugitive wasn't at Penang anymore. But i do met up with someone, but this person doesn't give me prize money instead she gave me a big pat on my back and said " Hoi, why are u here? you not went back to Butterworth liao ahh? " i was shock so do my father. guess who? It's LiZhi spotted having lunch with her parents at Batu Lanchang Kopitiam.
But i din ask if she was Hitz FM fugitive la. Can't be her right? or it's her? then i ma damn lo Rm10K gone like that. If u happen to play this, it's fun. You get to know more ppl. You can simply ask a pretty girl at QueensBay " are you the hitz fm fugitive? " then when she said no, u can reply oppps sorry i was playing this hitz fm games. If she was listening to this radio Channel then she would ask you back the same question. Then from that moment u can start building up a conversation and ending the night by asking that pretty girl, her HP number or offer her a lift back to her home.
Good Luck guys!! win liao belanja me makan ohhh
So what u need to do is stay tune to Hitz Fm and if the Hitz Fm Fugitive were to appear near to ur location and there might be a chance for u to walk out with cash of at least Rm1000. Last two day the Hitz Fm fugitive appeared in Penang Gurney drive and Butterworth's Sunway Carnival mall.
Hence i tried my luck yesterday, so i follow my father to Batu Lanchang as an excuse of driving him to cardiaclogist specialist. But sadly the Hitz FM fugitive wasn't at Penang anymore. But i do met up with someone, but this person doesn't give me prize money instead she gave me a big pat on my back and said " Hoi, why are u here? you not went back to Butterworth liao ahh? " i was shock so do my father. guess who? It's LiZhi spotted having lunch with her parents at Batu Lanchang Kopitiam.
But i din ask if she was Hitz FM fugitive la. Can't be her right? or it's her? then i ma damn lo Rm10K gone like that. If u happen to play this, it's fun. You get to know more ppl. You can simply ask a pretty girl at QueensBay " are you the hitz fm fugitive? " then when she said no, u can reply oppps sorry i was playing this hitz fm games. If she was listening to this radio Channel then she would ask you back the same question. Then from that moment u can start building up a conversation and ending the night by asking that pretty girl, her HP number or offer her a lift back to her home.
Good Luck guys!! win liao belanja me makan ohhh
Feb 28, 2009
Fan Nao
Hen Fan ahhh... celaka ehhh.
After chatting with Akari lagi fannnn ahhh
and learning all Akari's bad thing
Celaka Celaka betul
As i said a few weeks ago, that we are gonna suffer a Hell like week and it seem that it's getting closer and closer. When the day finally come, i'm gonna faint or you can see ThienSing's head crackin. With FYP inching closer and closer , and Solid State and Magnetism course kinda pilling up my FAN NAO.
Recently there are a bunch of my friends keep asking about " What you gonna do after Grad " and it seem that the trend is getting hot here , so i also join along by asking them back " Where are you heading to after you grad ", and it seem that many of them wanted to pursue master degree. I dunno is it a trend or because of the Economy meltdown. Arghhh it's really a tough question that make me really start thinking of my Future. So whenever i start to think about my Career Path (known as future planning) then i'll ask myself this " what's my passion , ambition and aim? " Again adding unnecessarily FAN NAO to my brain.
Holyshit, i couldn't find an answer for that. Did i mention i wanna pursue a Master degree? Yes, i did and the reason for taking master is to enjoy or play for another 2years. OMG, what kinda thinking is that. I just dun feel like working and with economy slowdown, with this situation , it kinda telling me not to work! wtf?
Yesterday night, having dinner with Shu Hwa and Reena, and we discuss about it. Reena wanted to become a Teacher (got aim d lo) while Shu Hwa wanna be a adventurous back packer traveling around the world ( i like it ). So after thinking and thinking , considering and considering, we ( me , reena and Shu Hwa ) applying for KPLI (teaching Course) apply only, not yet confirm can get wan. So that's my plan B. So from my thought of becoming an Engineer now has changed to be a Teacher. WoW!!! could you imagine that? When Shu Hwa tell LiZhi that i wanted to be a Teacher, she laugh like hell. That fucker can become a teacher ka? Man!!! i've become a laughing stock for my coursemate and even my ex-schoolmate.
Am i playing it way too safe? I such a dickhead!!
Any guidance? anyone please?
After chatting with Akari lagi fannnn ahhh
and learning all Akari's bad thing
Celaka Celaka betul
As i said a few weeks ago, that we are gonna suffer a Hell like week and it seem that it's getting closer and closer. When the day finally come, i'm gonna faint or you can see ThienSing's head crackin. With FYP inching closer and closer , and Solid State and Magnetism course kinda pilling up my FAN NAO.
Recently there are a bunch of my friends keep asking about " What you gonna do after Grad " and it seem that the trend is getting hot here , so i also join along by asking them back " Where are you heading to after you grad ", and it seem that many of them wanted to pursue master degree. I dunno is it a trend or because of the Economy meltdown. Arghhh it's really a tough question that make me really start thinking of my Future. So whenever i start to think about my Career Path (known as future planning) then i'll ask myself this " what's my passion , ambition and aim? " Again adding unnecessarily FAN NAO to my brain.
Holyshit, i couldn't find an answer for that. Did i mention i wanna pursue a Master degree? Yes, i did and the reason for taking master is to enjoy or play for another 2years. OMG, what kinda thinking is that. I just dun feel like working and with economy slowdown, with this situation , it kinda telling me not to work! wtf?
Yesterday night, having dinner with Shu Hwa and Reena, and we discuss about it. Reena wanted to become a Teacher (got aim d lo) while Shu Hwa wanna be a adventurous back packer traveling around the world ( i like it ). So after thinking and thinking , considering and considering, we ( me , reena and Shu Hwa ) applying for KPLI (teaching Course) apply only, not yet confirm can get wan. So that's my plan B. So from my thought of becoming an Engineer now has changed to be a Teacher. WoW!!! could you imagine that? When Shu Hwa tell LiZhi that i wanted to be a Teacher, she laugh like hell. That fucker can become a teacher ka? Man!!! i've become a laughing stock for my coursemate and even my ex-schoolmate.
Am i playing it way too safe? I such a dickhead!!
Any guidance? anyone please?
Feb 17, 2009
Passion Vs Money Orientated
Last week after the football match with our fellow coursemate, Dinash , Gabriel ,WeiHan , Teik Kean and me went for dinner. We discuss alot of stuff range from food stuff to liquor to education.
So when we touch about education, everyone was curious about each other's future. Everyone was asking if any of us planning to pursue master after degree. So many of us gave different views about it and the highlight of that night come out from my mouth. I said that IF i were to get a scholarship, i will pursue my master.
And then Dinash pointed out that you are so WRONG!! studying or gaining knowledge is not about money orientated or monetary beneficial or material gain. It's about PASSION and INTEREST. Yeah!! he is right but i'm not wrong too. No money how to study le? but passion is damn important because without passion , sooner or later u'll be running out of steam and slowly losing ur interest and patience.
But today another topic happen to poop up during our lunch time. Someone was telling me that he have no interest in PHYSIcS and plan to do another degree after graduated. But who know that Physics is such a theoretical stuff with lotsa mathematical problem u have to solve. At first during our first year, we really interested in that field but as i said just now, is it YOUR PASSION to be a physicist or merely because physics have nice decorated cover? but hell dun judge the book by it's cover, it gonna kill you off.
So i ask my friend, u better do some kinda survey or research about the degree u gonna take and dun make the same mistake. Because of a little topic that u are interested in does not mean u like the whole course. If u happen to study and work on that field that you doesn't have interest in, that u can quit it. You won't be happy doing this. Alot of people including me is still LOST. Is it what i/you actually like or is it because it pay well when we come out working?
But as i said PASSION doesn't mean everything to somebody. Because in this world , who care about PASSION and if doing the thing that u like and it seem to be invaluable. Is just crap, right? For example if u like to play computer games, but by becoming a gamer doesn't bring you any where richer.
So the moral of the story is, dun choose the career or education path merely because of environmental situation such as parent preferential or economic gain ( which job earn more money ). Do it for your personal gain. Trust me you'll have more satisfaction doing it
Is it what i like or the situation have force me to...?
Which path should i choose? suckz at making decision!!
So when we touch about education, everyone was curious about each other's future. Everyone was asking if any of us planning to pursue master after degree. So many of us gave different views about it and the highlight of that night come out from my mouth. I said that IF i were to get a scholarship, i will pursue my master.
And then Dinash pointed out that you are so WRONG!! studying or gaining knowledge is not about money orientated or monetary beneficial or material gain. It's about PASSION and INTEREST. Yeah!! he is right but i'm not wrong too. No money how to study le? but passion is damn important because without passion , sooner or later u'll be running out of steam and slowly losing ur interest and patience.
But today another topic happen to poop up during our lunch time. Someone was telling me that he have no interest in PHYSIcS and plan to do another degree after graduated. But who know that Physics is such a theoretical stuff with lotsa mathematical problem u have to solve. At first during our first year, we really interested in that field but as i said just now, is it YOUR PASSION to be a physicist or merely because physics have nice decorated cover? but hell dun judge the book by it's cover, it gonna kill you off.
So i ask my friend, u better do some kinda survey or research about the degree u gonna take and dun make the same mistake. Because of a little topic that u are interested in does not mean u like the whole course. If u happen to study and work on that field that you doesn't have interest in, that u can quit it. You won't be happy doing this. Alot of people including me is still LOST. Is it what i/you actually like or is it because it pay well when we come out working?
But as i said PASSION doesn't mean everything to somebody. Because in this world , who care about PASSION and if doing the thing that u like and it seem to be invaluable. Is just crap, right? For example if u like to play computer games, but by becoming a gamer doesn't bring you any where richer.
So the moral of the story is, dun choose the career or education path merely because of environmental situation such as parent preferential or economic gain ( which job earn more money ). Do it for your personal gain. Trust me you'll have more satisfaction doing it
Is it what i like or the situation have force me to...?
Which path should i choose? suckz at making decision!!
Feb 14, 2009
Don't Rob me......
Don't rob me of my freedom of doing the stuff i like...
Don't rob me of my freedom of playing comp. Games... (sound childish for you?)
Don't rob me of my freedom and time of hanging out together with my buddy...
Don't rob me of my childhood dream and ambition...
Don't rob me of my thinking and passion...
And Don't rob me of my money , time and energy
That one of many reasons why some people choose to be single!!
Happy Valentines to all the couples, cherish the moment of togetherness. Good Luck & Have Fun
To the bachelor dun give up, there will be an Exclusive Singles Night Party that say
"Fuck you Happy Couples! Fuck you very much!"
LoL, this sentence taken from TimothyTiah's Blog
Study hard and have a safe journey back- Agnes
Good Luck in your Job Search , hope u get the job that u like- Wentyng
both are going back to Australia in mid of February
Don't rob me of my freedom of playing comp. Games... (sound childish for you?)
Don't rob me of my freedom and time of hanging out together with my buddy...
Don't rob me of my childhood dream and ambition...
Don't rob me of my thinking and passion...
And Don't rob me of my money , time and energy
That one of many reasons why some people choose to be single!!
Happy Valentines to all the couples, cherish the moment of togetherness. Good Luck & Have Fun
To the bachelor dun give up, there will be an Exclusive Singles Night Party that say
"Fuck you Happy Couples! Fuck you very much!"
LoL, this sentence taken from TimothyTiah's Blog
Study hard and have a safe journey back- Agnes
Good Luck in your Job Search , hope u get the job that u like- Wentyng
both are going back to Australia in mid of February
Feb 10, 2009
国 境 之 南 ( The South of Border)

Yeah...although i din properly watch this movie yet (because i was in middle of winning money but i did take a peep on it) but they (part of them) watch this during Ruo Wen Steamboat gathering house. I can't post the picture we took in RW's house because i dun have the picture yet. LiZhi and WanSin pandai-pandai la. Okay back to this story ( from my friend's feedback ).
The Movie have 3languages, Hokkien , Mandarin and Japanese
Storyline on a relationships 60 years ago and present. I got to admit that i am touched (chiplak from others)
60years past, he passed away with his memories. It's Beautiful. I am captivated with the meaning of the main song of the movie titled "国 境 之 南 " (The South of Border). Every songs we listen, we have our own story or memories in it. Like if i happened to listen to GuangLiang/PinKuan, then i'll start to flash back to the late 1990s and early 2000s and it seem that all my memories at that moment was in that song (alot of things happen back then). So sometimes i feel that song really have soul, and the meaning of the song is so nice that it can suit ur mood or feeling at that moment.
Enjoy the song
rú guǒ hǎi huì shuō huà
If the sea can speak
rú guǒ fēng ài shàng shā
If the wind falls in love with the gravel sands
rú guǒ yǒu xiē xiǎng niàn
If part of this longing
yí wàng zài màn cháng de cháng jià
is forgotten during the long vacation
wǒ huì ling tīng làng huā
I will listen to the waves of the ocean
ràng fēng chuī guò tóu fa
With the wind blowing through my hair
rèn jì yì lǐ de ài qíng
Letting the love in my memories
zài shí jiān cháo xì lǐ xuān huá
Roar through time and tide
fēi děi děng chūn tiān yuǎn le xià tiān cái jìn le
Only after spring has gone and summer draws near
wǒ shì zài huí shǒu shí zhōng yú dǒng de
That I, while recalling, finally understood
当阳光 再次
dāng yang guāng zài cì
When the sunlight, once again
huí dào nà piāo zhe yǔ de guó jìng zhī nán
Returns to the south of the border falling with rain
wǒ huì shì zhe bǎ nà yī nián de gù shì
I will attempt to continue on until the end
zài jiē xià qu shuō wán
the story of that year
当阳光 再次
dāng yang guāng zài cì
When the sunlight, once again
lí kāi nà tài qíng lǎng de guó jìng zhī nán
departs from the south of the border where clear skies rein
nǐ huì bù huì bǎ nǐ céng dài zǒu de ài
Will you return the love you took away
zài gào bié qián yòng wēi xiào quán guī huán
with a smile before you bid goodbye
海很蓝 星光灿烂
hǎi hěn lán xīng guāng càn làn
The sea is very blue; the stars twinkle brightly
wǒ réng kōng zhe wǒ de bì wān
And still my arms remain empty
天很宽 在我独自唱歌的夜晚
tiān hěn kuān zài wǒ dú zì chàng gē de yè wǎn
The skies are wide; in the night when I sing alone
qǐng yuán liàng wǒ de ài sù shuō de huǎn màn
Please forgive me for telling you of my love too slowly
当阳光 再次
dāng yang guāng zài cì
When the sunlight, once again
huí dào nǎ piāo zhe yǔ de jìng zhī nán
Returns to the south of the border falling with rain
wǒ kuài shì zhe bǎ nà yī nián de gù shì
I will attempt to continue on until the end
zài jiē xià qu shuō wán
the story of that year
当阳光 再次
dāng yang guāng zài cì
When the sunlight, once again
lí kāi nà tài qíng lǎng de guó jìng zhī nán
departs from the south of the border where clear skies rein
nǐ huì bù huì bà nǐ céng dài zǒu de ài
Will you return the love you took away
zài gào bié qián yòng wēi xiào quán guī huán
with a smile before you bid goodbye
(here is the lyrics and the meaning of the story)
Jan 25, 2009
New Year New Hairstyle?
First of all...Happy Chinese New Year , Gong Xi Fatt Chai to all of you.
Last time when i was still a student, i use to think of a new hairstyle different from others for CNY ( because i'm kinda bored with the same hair style so normally i'll go to the extreme during CNY)
But recently economy bo hor? i get my hair done ( cut hair nia ) RM 30. I said CNY naik harga d?
He said the price will be the same after new year. For you info dye hair ( Rm60-Rm120 depend on your hair volume ) Every thing is expensive nowadays
So my mind get stuck when the hairstylist ask me what special stuff u wanna do this year? Then i ask ur shop already naik harga d. I'm still a student la , can't afford for this expensive hair do. So i opt for normal hair cut somemore ask him to cut short short (to make my money worth)
So when i head back home, i was think why people spend so much on hair especially on CNY when the time , the price shoot up so high. So i was thinking to go bald and wear a cap but during CNY visiting relatives wearing a cap is a disrespecting attitude. Then my mind head straight to Hair WiG.
Yes!!! Hair WiG!! why not.. although it's expensive but u can wear it through out the N-years. Change hairstyle according to your liking. So this 2009 Year oF Cow, I choose to go on with Hair WiG. It's also good for lazy ppl like me, right?
So guys, enjoy your holiday and again Gong Hey Fatt Choi
Last time when i was still a student, i use to think of a new hairstyle different from others for CNY ( because i'm kinda bored with the same hair style so normally i'll go to the extreme during CNY)
But recently economy bo hor? i get my hair done ( cut hair nia ) RM 30. I said CNY naik harga d?
He said the price will be the same after new year. For you info dye hair ( Rm60-Rm120 depend on your hair volume ) Every thing is expensive nowadays
So my mind get stuck when the hairstylist ask me what special stuff u wanna do this year? Then i ask ur shop already naik harga d. I'm still a student la , can't afford for this expensive hair do. So i opt for normal hair cut somemore ask him to cut short short (to make my money worth)
So when i head back home, i was think why people spend so much on hair especially on CNY when the time , the price shoot up so high. So i was thinking to go bald and wear a cap but during CNY visiting relatives wearing a cap is a disrespecting attitude. Then my mind head straight to Hair WiG.
Yes!!! Hair WiG!! why not.. although it's expensive but u can wear it through out the N-years. Change hairstyle according to your liking. So this 2009 Year oF Cow, I choose to go on with Hair WiG. It's also good for lazy ppl like me, right?

Jan 15, 2009
I can cook!!!
No bluff , no camera trick , no photoshoped , no magic trick. It's Real
I fried egg today. LOL but it's not normal bull eye's egg. It's scramble Egg.
If i'm not mistaken i've told Soon Ying that i can cook but she dun believe me. She reply if i can cook then why dun you cook when we are having apartment stay in Cameron?
Nah this is proof...hehehe
Actually i'm kinda picky eater but not up to a professional food critics. So whenever the food is not nice i still eat it up but when you ask me to give comment about it , i'll say okay. Why okay? you should condemn liao. Okay let me ask you, do your mom cook well? if it's not , then what would you say to your mom? "Mom you food suck , go back and learn more la"
No right? you will said mom food is okay but still have room for improvement.
But if your father ask how is ur mother's cook? then you say, arrr it's abit tasteless
right right right!!! Actually if we were to judge a food base on merit? I feel that i will give the lowest point as 3 no matter how suck the food taste. Why 3? should give ZERO liao or maybe Negative point because tasteless food will spoil your taste bud and it make your stomach sick
3points!! no matter how suck the food is, that person already put it's effort to cook it for you and the one eating it and no help out should be thankful. So here come the 3 points
Do you know how long i prepare the ingredient , cook it and wash the utensil? an hour!
So this coming Sunday i'm gonna go to Agnes Bakery to bake Peanut Cookies. Is her Peanut Cookies nice? You wanna know the secret recipe? Let me tell you, It's ME!!! because i applied the correct force and pressure and it affect the outcome of the cookies, LOL . BTW baking cookies during festive season with friends and families is a wonderful experience.
Arghhhh damn.... server down... cannot play SRO
I fried egg today. LOL but it's not normal bull eye's egg. It's scramble Egg.
Nah this is proof...hehehe
Actually i'm kinda picky eater but not up to a professional food critics. So whenever the food is not nice i still eat it up but when you ask me to give comment about it , i'll say okay. Why okay? you should condemn liao. Okay let me ask you, do your mom cook well? if it's not , then what would you say to your mom? "Mom you food suck , go back and learn more la"
No right? you will said mom food is okay but still have room for improvement.
But if your father ask how is ur mother's cook? then you say, arrr it's abit tasteless
right right right!!! Actually if we were to judge a food base on merit? I feel that i will give the lowest point as 3 no matter how suck the food taste. Why 3? should give ZERO liao or maybe Negative point because tasteless food will spoil your taste bud and it make your stomach sick
3points!! no matter how suck the food is, that person already put it's effort to cook it for you and the one eating it and no help out should be thankful. So here come the 3 points
Do you know how long i prepare the ingredient , cook it and wash the utensil? an hour!
So this coming Sunday i'm gonna go to Agnes Bakery to bake Peanut Cookies. Is her Peanut Cookies nice? You wanna know the secret recipe? Let me tell you, It's ME!!! because i applied the correct force and pressure and it affect the outcome of the cookies, LOL . BTW baking cookies during festive season with friends and families is a wonderful experience.
Arghhhh damn.... server down... cannot play SRO
Jan 11, 2009
For the past two weeks, my internet suffered a very low speed connection, i was so fucked up that i call Streamyx Hotline almost very day...then they started to send a stupid technician that bring up his port junkies to check my telephone line... and as he try to on his stuff to check, it run out of battery and the only word he can said is " alamak 1week no come work , battery kong ki? "
I stunned for awhile ( because i was hoping that he can fix it and i can go back to my normal routine ) then i was like "Mahai ehhh" then he say he will send someone to fix it next week (super efficient lo ).
When i had this low speed connection, i can't download and play on9 game. So i get the time to read the whole newspaper and i would like to make a comparision between my life without internet and the life of palestinian's kid ( without freedom , education , food , water , electricity and communication including internet,radio and TV ).
So the life of palestinian during war is like staying at home worrying the whole day and hope that" i'm not the lucky guy to be sent to heaven". Just imagine that u live without any massa media , no electricity , water and you dun have the freedom to go out from ur house? How would you feel. I would die not because of Israelis bombing my house but bored till death.
But if i were the palestinian's Hamas Leader , i would not risk my people to infuriate the Israel by lunching rocket each day into Israel territory and it end up having Israelis SAPU the whole Strip Of Gaza? Hor Pit le?
Let me made another anology, have you all play mmorpg on9 game like War Of Warcraft , Silkroadonline or Cabal. If not you can go youtubing the video. There are alot of clans in this kinda game and suppose that each clan represent a Country. Of course in every kinda game or tournament there are some clans that are very powerfull.
For Silkroadonline the game that i play, there are alot of Big Clan such as Avalon , SuddenDeath ,Odsessy ,RP_Legend and these such big clan form a strong union JUST LIKE AMERICA AND BRITISH SUPPORTING ISRAEL. These big clan and union like to conquer the whole server and be like the TaiKor of the server JUST LIKE AMERICA BEING TAIKOR OF THE WORLD. This Big Union or Clan like to harass the small clan like my clan and it end up they capturing my fortress. Then you know what can we do? , we can just swear them , talk bad about them ( JUST LIKE UN and The World condemning the Act of Israel ) but we can't fight them because it's just like fight a LOST war JUST LIKE ISRAEL VS PALESTINE.
So i still can't understand why HAMAS STILL wanna go kacau them? If Israel really intend to SAPU your Country, it can change the whole Palestine to LANDFILL in ONE DAY.Btw do you think Tun. M is stupid by asking others to boycott America and Israel Product? Boycott KFC or McD? Then u r boycotting ur Own People. Mostly KFC/McD are Local Franchise so u r asking us to boycott us?
It's Just My 2Cents. Lets see what u all have for me?
I stunned for awhile ( because i was hoping that he can fix it and i can go back to my normal routine ) then i was like "Mahai ehhh" then he say he will send someone to fix it next week (super efficient lo ).
When i had this low speed connection, i can't download and play on9 game. So i get the time to read the whole newspaper and i would like to make a comparision between my life without internet and the life of palestinian's kid ( without freedom , education , food , water , electricity and communication including internet,radio and TV ).
So the life of palestinian during war is like staying at home worrying the whole day and hope that" i'm not the lucky guy to be sent to heaven". Just imagine that u live without any massa media , no electricity , water and you dun have the freedom to go out from ur house? How would you feel. I would die not because of Israelis bombing my house but bored till death.
But if i were the palestinian's Hamas Leader , i would not risk my people to infuriate the Israel by lunching rocket each day into Israel territory and it end up having Israelis SAPU the whole Strip Of Gaza? Hor Pit le?
Let me made another anology, have you all play mmorpg on9 game like War Of Warcraft , Silkroadonline or Cabal. If not you can go youtubing the video. There are alot of clans in this kinda game and suppose that each clan represent a Country. Of course in every kinda game or tournament there are some clans that are very powerfull.
For Silkroadonline the game that i play, there are alot of Big Clan such as Avalon , SuddenDeath ,Odsessy ,RP_Legend and these such big clan form a strong union JUST LIKE AMERICA AND BRITISH SUPPORTING ISRAEL. These big clan and union like to conquer the whole server and be like the TaiKor of the server JUST LIKE AMERICA BEING TAIKOR OF THE WORLD. This Big Union or Clan like to harass the small clan like my clan and it end up they capturing my fortress. Then you know what can we do? , we can just swear them , talk bad about them ( JUST LIKE UN and The World condemning the Act of Israel ) but we can't fight them because it's just like fight a LOST war JUST LIKE ISRAEL VS PALESTINE.
So i still can't understand why HAMAS STILL wanna go kacau them? If Israel really intend to SAPU your Country, it can change the whole Palestine to LANDFILL in ONE DAY.Btw do you think Tun. M is stupid by asking others to boycott America and Israel Product? Boycott KFC or McD? Then u r boycotting ur Own People. Mostly KFC/McD are Local Franchise so u r asking us to boycott us?
It's Just My 2Cents. Lets see what u all have for me?
Jan 4, 2009
2009 Year Of Uncertainties
Have you seen anyone die in front of you? I have and it happened during wedding dinner. After giving the wishes and speech , the MC(Master Of Ceremonies) collapse. At first many ppl assumed that he fainted but after a few minutes , a medical assistance in that hotel pronounce that he has no more heart beat and died on the spot. The cause of death is Heart Attack. WoW it's so scary and so fast, it like heaven and hell separated by a fine hair or it's like Now You See Now He is Gone
So i would like to stress this out, if u happen to have a Heart problem, seek medical attention immediately and what you wish to do , Do It Now because heart attack happen almost any time that u can't think of it. And it strike anyone once u exceed the age of 20 even a footballer had died on the pitch because of Heart Attack.
Okay back to the topic. Is 2009 a bad for all of us?
I would said no! but some others would say yes because of the economy slump that the world is facing. But not all are affected , the Hawker does not suffer any loss of profit during this period, only some high class restaurant that would suffer during recession. Big company and factory would be affected too. And student like me that have another 4months of contract with USM would worry like HELL. Job is an uncertainty for any undergraduate(2009 batch)
And i'm worrying about my FYP. It like going nowhere and are aimless. Do the research for that sample over and over again to get the data and my supervisor didn't give the exact picture of my FYP. It like banging my head to the wall then only u can see the route.
For this Year i have a wish that can cover all the aspect of live. I wish that i have less worries and have less problems
So i would like to stress this out, if u happen to have a Heart problem, seek medical attention immediately and what you wish to do , Do It Now because heart attack happen almost any time that u can't think of it. And it strike anyone once u exceed the age of 20 even a footballer had died on the pitch because of Heart Attack.
Okay back to the topic. Is 2009 a bad for all of us?
I would said no! but some others would say yes because of the economy slump that the world is facing. But not all are affected , the Hawker does not suffer any loss of profit during this period, only some high class restaurant that would suffer during recession. Big company and factory would be affected too. And student like me that have another 4months of contract with USM would worry like HELL. Job is an uncertainty for any undergraduate(2009 batch)
And i'm worrying about my FYP. It like going nowhere and are aimless. Do the research for that sample over and over again to get the data and my supervisor didn't give the exact picture of my FYP. It like banging my head to the wall then only u can see the route.
For this Year i have a wish that can cover all the aspect of live. I wish that i have less worries and have less problems
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